Managing on V2

Connecting to Different Protocols

To trade in V2 pools, you must be connected to the correct network for your pool. Currently, V2 is deployed on Polygon and Optimism.

Go to "manage pool" for your selected pool, available from the "Manage Pools" page, or from within the investor view of your pool, with the button "manage pool."

If connected to the right network, a trading interface should appear with a list of available dapps. Instructions should be shown on the right of that interface once a dapp is selected.

Most available dapps will connect automatically. For those that don't, instructions are available to connect through Wallet Connect.

With Wallet Connect

If the app is connected to your personal wallet, instead of the pool, it would display your personal address instead of the pool address. In this case, select your account, and switch to wallet connect.

The wallet connect option should show a QR code, sometimes with the option of copying the QR code to your clipboard. Paste either the image of the QR code or the connection URI in your clipboard to the input field.

Once pasted, Wallet Connect should attempt to connect your pool to the app. If successful, your pool address should be displayed in the app you would like to use, and the dHEDGE app should display "connected."

Once connected, the app you are connected to should display your pool's assets, and push transactions to your wallet. If transactions aren't being pushed to your wallet, try disconnected and reconnecting via Wallet Connect. If this doesn't work, reach out to us on Discord.

Changing Enabled Assets

When you create a pool, you are prompted to select which assets are available in your pool. After your pool is created, you may still change those assets, and select which of those assets investors may deposit with.

You do so by pressing the "change assets" button. Doing so should open a modal that allows you to make your changes. This modal contains all available assets available for your network in V2.

After hitting confirm, a transaction to change those assets in your pool contract should open in your wallet. Once that transaction confirms, your enabled assets and deposit assets should update.

Last updated