Supported Assets

New assets can be added to dHEDGE V2 contracts, currently available on Polygon, if an asset has a Chainlink feed, or any reliable oracle feed, and has sufficient liquidity.

Ethereum Network

As dHEDGE on Ethereum is powered by Synthetix, dHEDGE managers can trade any synthetic asset.

There are more than 40 synthetic assets available to trade spanning several types of asset classes.

Inverse synths - synths whose ticker symbol starts with the letter i - are synthetic assets that provide short exposure to the underlying asset.

Polygon Network

The following assets are supported currently in Polygon.

Managers can provide liquidity in Sushi, then stake that liquidity for extra yield.

Up to 10 assets may be enabled for pools in Polygon. Liquidity-providing tokens are considered assets that contribute to reaching that limit.

Assets enabled for a pool may be changed within the pool management page. All available assets are listed there as well.

Optimism Network

The following assets are currently supported in Optimism:

Last updated